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Don't let someone else's happy, keep you from being happy.

Tangela C. Broussard

Heyy Y'alllll,

Don't let someone else's happiness make you think that is what you have to be to be happy.

You are enough.

You are already enough.

You are already a success in your own right. You don't need anyone else's stamp of approval to prove that. Find out how your happiness fits you. You do not have to keep up with others because on the outside looking in they may seem happy but deep down inside it maybe a different story. This may also make you depressed because you think that is suppose to be your happy too and its NOT.

You don't need their definition of success or happiness or love to define yours.

Don't measure yourself against others, because it will always be impossible for you to live up to their standards and expectations.

It's okay not to have it all figured out yet - we all make mistakes along the way and learn from them; we all have ups and downs in life; we all have our own struggles and obstacles to overcome; but above all, we are all worthy of respect and love just as we are right now - no matter what stage or phase of life we're in!

From 1 champ 2 another,

Tangela C Broussard



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